Node Antrag
Aus FidoPedia
Node Antrag
... oder wie werde ich Mitglied in FidoNet beschreibt die Policy.
Zunächst hat sich ein Fidonet Anwärter mit der Bedienung der Software vertraut zu machen. Zudem hat er die Policy zu studieren.
Wenn der Node Anwärter die nötige Erfahrung besitzt die Software zu bedienen und die Policy gelesen hat, kann er das Verfahren zum Nodeantrag einleiten, wie es in der Policy beschrieben ist.
Durch die Erteilung einer Node-Nummer und deren Veröffentlichung in der Nodelist wird der Antragsteller zum Mitglied
Um eine Nodenummer zu erhalten, ist gemäß Policy 4.07 folgender Ablauf notwendig.
(Auszug aus der Policy 4.07):
2.2 How to obtain a node number
You must first obtain a current nodelist so that you can send mail. You do not need a node number to send mail, but you must have one in order for others to send mail to you.
The first step in obtaining a current nodelist is to locate a FidoNet bulletin board. Most bulletin board lists include at least a few FidoNet systems, and usually identify them as such. Use a local source to obtain documents because many networks have detailed information available which explains the coverage area of the network and any special requirements or procedures.
Once you have a nodelist, you must determine which network or region covers your area. Regions are numbered 1-99; network numbers are greater than 99. Networks are more restricted in area than regions, but are preferred since they improve the flow of mail and provide more services to their members. If you cannot find a network which covers your area, then pick the region which does.
Once you have located the network or region in your area, send a message containing a request for a node number to node zero of that network or region. The request must be sent by netmail, as this indicates that your system has FidoNet capability.
You must set up your software so that the from-address in your message does not cause problems for the coordinator who receives it. If you pick the address of an existing system, this will cause obvious problems. If your software is capable of using address -1/-1, this is the traditional address used by potential sysops. Otherwise use net/9999 (e.g. if you are applying to net 123, set your system up as 123/9999). Many nets have specific instructions available to potential sysops and these procedures may indicate a preference for the from-address.
The message you send must include at least the following information:
1) Your name. 2) Your voice telephone number 3) The name of your system. 4) The city and state where your system is located. 5) The phone number to be used when calling your system. 6) Your hours of operation, netmail and BBS. 7) The maximum baud rate you can support. 8) The type of mailer software and modem you are using.
Your coordinator may contact you for additional information. All information submitted will be kept confidential and will not be supplied to anyone except the person who assumes the coordinator position at the resignation of the current coordinator.
You must indicate that you have read, and agree to abide by, this document and all the current policies of FidoNet. Please allow at least two weeks for a node number request to be processed.
If you send your request to a Regional Coordinator, it may forwarded to the appropriate Network Coordinator.